Kohled eyes that looked deep into the soul were all that I saw….
Sitting across a very humble sweet and affable lady, dressed in all white, the sheer brightness of her aura made me feel blessed.
Her smile was comforting and her eyes, mesmerising.
While we discussed life and its purpose, Meena ji, effortlessly answered many questions that had been bothering me for a while.
The ease of it all left me spellbound.
As we stood up to take leave, she invited me to attend one of her spiritual sessions.
‘If by simply spending a few minutes with her, I have learnt so much, it would be nice to be with her for longer,’ I thought.… a thrill of anticipation went down my spine.
That weekend I found myself in front of her again, this time to delve deeper into spirituality and spend two whole days with likeminded people.
There was so much healing, love and sharing in her satsang.
It was truly a soul-satisfying experience.
And then as we parted, Meena ji, gave me a small photograph of herself, of the time when she attained enlightenment.
On the reverse, written in her impeccable handwriting were these words – WORLD IS BEAUTIFUL, MAKE IT MORE BEAUTIFUL.
Today, after almost two decades of her handholding me in my quest to know myself, these words have assumed a deeper significance, slowly coming alive over time…
Spirituality is not an indulgence nor is it a casual pass-time… It is NOT religion but being true to our purpose on this planet – the answers for which come slowly and steadily as one searches and works to become a better version of oneself.
My work is my karm-bhoomi.
It is here that I get to learn, question and apply all that is realised, or not.
Since ‘working on myself’ is my favourite job, I would like to believe that a little bit of this seeps into all that is created in my company Divine Design.
Nothing inspires more than Grace. Grace is beauty and purity come alive.
It is what makes life beautiful and what attracts divinity.
‘Grace begets grace’ – in the words of my mentor Meena Om.
This is what we at KORA inherently try to achieve in every garment, every design, every line that is made.
KORA is not a mere label but an expression of a journey to know the self, and in the process, to love respect and enhance our satyam shivam sunderam – truthful, harmonious and benevolent culture and nation.
As we embark on this online journey, hopefully, the love of all our patrons will guide us. Those who have believed in our work and have supported us over the years.
Some of this will be exciting, fun, enjoyable and at times, plain exasperating, much like life, but let us pray that we sail through it smoothly together.
This is our sincerest belief and aspiration… because simplicity, uncomplicated effortlessness and purity lie at the heart of all that we do at KORA*.
Warm regards,
*KORA not only means unsullied or pure but is also the name given to the sacred circumambulation of the Kailash Mansarover.